Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I left Los Angeles on October 2 and arrived to my destination, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, on the morning of October 4. Here I am, for the 22nd time, at the St. James Monastery, within the walled Old City of Jerusalem, where I will spend the next two months, continuing my doctoral research and overseeing the on-going renovation/reorganization of the Calouste Gulbenkian Library. There is something indescribable about this place--the aura of a millennial presence that goes back to the days of the Apostles. And when it comes to the Armenian presence in the Holy City and the Holy Land, there is so much to say, it is not possible to write it all in one breath. For now I recommend that you visit the Armenian Patriarchate website: to learn more about this venerable institution and its history, as well as to become acquainted with the rich cultural patrimony housed within these walls.


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