Saturday, April 15, 2006


For those of you who don't know who I am, and wonder; or for those of you who do know me, but have forgotten; or, just for the record...

Sylva Natalie Manoogian
Personal Web Site:

• Doctoral student, University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, January 2003-current
• Master of Library of Science, University of Southern California, School of Library Science, Los Angeles, California, January 1969
• Bachelor of Arts, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1959. Major: Classics/Latin concentration); Minor: Linguistics - Armenian (Classical) and French

• International Librarianship, Cultural Diversity, Multilingualism, Information Institutions, Information as Evidence, Archival Science, Information Structures; Armenian Cultural Patrimony, Armenian Genocide, Armenian Diaspora, Armenian Identity


• Advise Armenian and Armenological libraries worldwide in areas of collection development, automation, and management
• Direct revitalization, virtualization, and internationalization of Calouste Gulbenkian Library of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem
• Establish and coordinate libraries for Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America
• Develop grant proposals and oversee the management of grant-funded projects
• Maintain contacts with international library associations, institutions, and professionals
• Provide reference and translation services to Los Angeles Public Library on an as-needed basis
• Develop and catalog Armenian language and Genocide Memorial collection for Glendale (CA) Public Library
• Provide translation services on independent contract basis

(PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN) MANAGER, Northeast Area, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Public Library, October 1996-March 1999)
• Managed 11 community branch libraries and Inner City Bookmobile Services in the Northeast Area of Los Angeles, providing library services to a culturally and linguistically diverse population.
• Oversaw facilities maintenance, participated in planning for renovations and designing new library buildings.
• Developed grant proposals and oversaw the management of grant-funded projects

(PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN) MANAGER, International Languages Department, Central Library, Los Angeles Public Library, 1978-September 1996)

• Managed major reference and information unit, including the Fletcher Jones Language Center and the Los Angeles Times Adult Literacy and Learning Skills Center, providing multi-language service on a city-wide and regional basis.
• Planned, evaluated, directed public service and coordinated collection development in over 500 world languages and dialects
• Coordinated translation and interpretation services for Library Administration, other City Departments, and public at large
• Participated in library professional organizations, local, regional, national, and international, establishing global connections on behalf of the Library

(SENIOR LIBRARIAN) BRANCH LIBRARIAN, El Sereno Branch, Los Angeles Public Library, 1976-1978
• Planned, evaluated and directed public service in predominantly Hispanic community
• Selected, trained, supervised, and evaluated staff of 6 employees
• Prepared and managed operational budget
• Oversaw collection development of English and Spanish language library materials for adults, young adults, children
• Participated in and facilitated outreach through special programs, membership in community organizations, speaking engagements.

(LIBRARIAN I) CHILDREN’S LIBRARIAN, Arroyo Seco Regional Branch, Los Angeles Public Library, 1968-1976
• Developed children’s literature collection and library services in large regional branch
• Reviewed books for Library and for professional review media.
• Served on materials selection and evaluation committees
• Planned and conducted special programs and workshops for children, parents, and teachers
• Served as the branch outreach librarian

(LIBRARIAN TRAINEE), Los Angeles Public Library, 1965-1968
• Served as paraprofessional intern on full-time basis, while attending graduate school part-time
• Learned all aspects of public library service for adults, young adults, and children

(CLERK-TYPIST), Los Angeles Public Library, 1964-1965

• Performed clerical duties as required for support activities in various locations, including Catalog Department, Municipal Reference Library, and Foreign Languages Department

(PRINCIPAL LIBRARY ASSISTANT), Business Administration Library, University of California at Los Angeles, 1963-1964

(CLERK-TYPIST), Library, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, California, 1961-1963

(STUDENT ASSISTANT), Armenian Language Cataloger, Harvard University, Widener Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1957-1959


• Fluency in speaking, reading, and writing English, Armenian (Western and Eastern dialects), French, Spanish. Los Angeles City-certified for Armenian and Spanish
• Fluency in reading and writing Classical Armenian and Latin
• Limited to fair proficiency in German, Greek (Classical), Italian, Portuguese, Russian


• Doctoral Program Committee Student Representative, UCLA GSE&IS Department of Information Studies, 2004-2005
• Diversity Recruitment and Mentoring Committee, 2004-date
• Advisory Board, Interactions Journal of Education and Information Studies, 2004-date
• Graduate Research Assistant to Prof. Clara M. Chu, 2004-date
• Research Studies and Academic Writings (2003-date):
o The Armenian Cyber-Community: Bridging the Divide between Diaspora and Homeland (IADIS Conference, Algarve, Portugal, 2005)
o The Calouste Gulbenkian Library of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem (UCLA Armenian Historic Cities and Provinces Conference, 2004)
o Armenian-ness: State of Being or State of Mind?
o The Armenian Diaspora: A Literature Review
o Manoogian Model for Information Seeking Behaviors of Armenians
o Voices of Remembrance: Exploring the Shahan Natalie Archive
o Definitions in Information Seeking and Use
o Critique of a Model: Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process
o Documenting Komitas Vardapet, the Father of Armenian Music
o Ararat-Eskijian Museum
o National Library of Armenia
o Comparative Study of Information Studies Curricula in Armenia and United States
o Glendale Public Library: An Ethnic Resource Center Serving the Armenian Community
o Evaluating Multicultural Information on the Internet: Armenian Genocide
o Growing Old on One Pillow: Armenian Wedding Traditions
o In the Spirit of Ararat: Armenian Heritage and Tradition
o Shahan Natalie: Crusader for Armenian Journalism in the Diaspora
o Intellectual Freedom: A South Caucasus Perspective
o Book Review: The Road to Home: My Life and Times by Vartan Gregorian. Published in Library Quarterly, July 2004


• Indomitable Avenger: The Life and Works of Shahan Natalie. In preparation
• A Bio-Bibliography of Komitas, the Father of Armenian Music. Print and digital editions in preparation.
• Translator of Manoogian, Archbishop Torkom. The Genius of Komitas in His Divine Liturgy. To be published by St. James Press, Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 2005. Translated into English from Armenian text.
• Translator of Natalie, Shahan. The Turks and Us. Stepanagert, NKR: Punik Press, c2001. Translated into English from Armenian text.
• “National Library of Armenia Guide.” Erevan: Aramas Press, c2000. English language text preparation and editorial board member for IREX-funded 24-page, full color, bilingual (Armenian-English) publication on history, resources, and services of the largest and most important center for the preservation and study of the Armenian book and the output of international book publishing.
• "Librarians without Borders: Internationalizing the Armenian Information Network." Paper based on Armenian language version, published in Sion, the official quarterly journal of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Issue 1-2-3 (1998). The Armenian Patriarchate holds the copyright.
• “Revitalizing, Virtualizing, and Internationalizing the Calouste Gulbenkian Library of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.” Poster presentation and paper delivered at the American Library Asociation Annual Conference, Washington, DC, June 1998. Paper published in Armenian in the Annual Newsletter of the Library Association of Armenia.
• “Armenian Women, Literacy, and Libraries.” Paper delivered in English at Armenian International Women’s Conference, Paris, France, July 1997, and in Armenian at the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, August 1997. The latter was published in Sion, official literary quarterly publication of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Issue 1-2-3 (1998)
• “De la Musique et des Femmes.” Program booklet to accompany concert by Shahan Arzruni at AIWA Conference, Paris, France, July 1997. Edited English language text and translated into French.
• “Armenian Resources at Los Angeles Public Library.” Informational piece developed for multi-language publicity campaign for the Library, March 1997.
• “Emerging Democracies and the Role of the International Relations Committee.” Paper delivered at American Library Association Annual Conference, New York, NY, June 1996. Program co-sponsors: International Relations Committee and Association of Armenian Information Professionals.
• “Literacy, Libraries, and the National Library Association of Armenia.” Paper delivered at American Library Association Annual Conference, New York, NY, June 1996. Program organizer: Public Library Association International Relations Committee.
• “From Ararat to L.A.: The Journey of the Armenians to Southern California.” Paper delivered at Shades of L.A. Symposium, November 1995, Los Angeles Public Library.
• “Hye Energy: Strategies for Personal Success.” Paper delivered at Hollywood Business and Professional Women Association, Hollywood Chapter, Fall Conference, “Breaking the Glass Ceiling,” October 1995. Also delivered as keynote address at St. James Armenian Church, Los Angeles, November 1995.
• “Armenian Libraries in the Diaspora: Yesterday and Today.” Paper delivered at International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, August 1995. In preparation for publication by Libraries and Culture and translation and publication by the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Library Science in 1997.
• “Public Library Services to Turks Living in the United States.” Report delivered at International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, August 1995.
• “Libraries Serving Multicultural Populations,” with Lee Olivier and Robert Belvin. Public Libraries, November 1994.
• “Making a Difference in Armenian Libraries,” with Araxie P. Churukian. Submitted for publication in International Leads and Armenian press, July 1993.
• “The Armenian Presence in Jerusalem,” Published as “A Slice of Eden: Armenian Jerusalem at a Crossroads,” with Talene Satamian, in A.I.M.: Armenian Internatioanl Magazine, December 1992.
• “Armenian Cultural Festival 1992.” Commemorative booklet prepared for 6th annual Armenian Cultural Festival, Los Angeles City College, October 4, 1992. Contains articles on various aspects of Armenian history and culture.
• “Los Angeles Public Library and Cultural Diversity.” Feature article in International Leads (Issued by the International Relations Round Table of the American Library Association), Vol.6, No.2, Summer 1992
• “Challenges of Multi-Language Acquisition.” In Developing Library Collections for California’s Emerging Majority: A Manual of Resources for Ethnic Collection Development. Edited by Katharine T. A. Scarborough. Berkeley, California: Bay Area Library and Information System, 1990.
• “Hye [Armenian] Earthquake Library Project.” Reports and press releases on the activities of the American Library Association President’s Armenian Earthquake Disaster Committee during the 1989 calendar year. Includes an article published in the ALA Yearbook. Chicago, 1990.
• “Developing a Multi-Language Learning Center in a Public Library.” A paper presented at American Library Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, June 1987.
• “From the Ashes…” An account of the effects of the April 1986 arson fire on the Los Angeles Central Library Foreign Languages Department. Communicator, Vol.19, No.11-12, November-December 1986.
• “Lifeline to Polyglots: How Los Angeles Public Library Serves Multilingual Students.” In Pan Newsletter, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, September 1985.
• “On Serving the Aging Polyglot: The Role of the Public Libraries in the United States.” Paper presented at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Conference, Chicago, IL, August 1985.
• “Armenian Language, Literature, Printing and Publishing.” Booklet prepared for a cultural awareness workshop, Metropolitan Cooperative Library System, Pasadena, CA June 26, 1985.
• A Directory of Language Collections in North American Public Libraries, with Natalia B. Bezugloff. Chicago: American Library Association, 1985.
• “The Importance of Ethnic Collections in Libraries.” Chapter 1 of Ethnic Collections in Libraries, edited by E. J. Josey and Marva DeLoach. New York: Neals-Schuman, 1983.
• L.A.: The Ethnic Place. Guide to the city for attendees of the Association’s annual conference. Creator and editor. Los Angeles: American Library Association/Local Arrangements Committee, 1983.
• Bilingual Phrases for Schools: Armenian. Chief translator and editor. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Unified School District, 1982.
• “Building Ethnic Collections in Libraries.” In Ethnic Forum, Fall 1982.
• Armenian Language: A Contrastive Analysis. (Report No. 2, Armenian Assembly California Council and Resource Center). Los Angeles, June 1981.


• American Library Association, 1980-date. Chair, International Relations Committee, U.S-Armenian Libraries Subcommittee, renamed Eurasia and Central Asia Subcommittee, 1988-1998. 2003-date; Secretary Treasurer, International Relations Round Table, 1995-1997; Chair, Ethnic Materials Information Exchange Round Table, Collection Development Committee, 1992-1996, and Armenian Librarians and Libraries Information Committee (ALLIC), 1997-date; Member, Public Library Association Metropolitan Libraries Section, Services to Multicultural Populations Committee, 1990-1996; Public Library Association International Relations Committee, 2003-date.
• Armenian Allied Arts Association, 1985-date: Member.
• Armenian Cultural Festival, Inc. 1992-date: Board Member; Chairman of Board, 1995-date.
• Armenian International Women’s Association, 1994-date. Board Member; Woman of Achievement (1994).
• Association of Armenian Information Professionals, 1996-date: Member.
• California Ethnic Services Task Force, Member, 1978-1980.
• California Library Association, 1980-1988: Member, Council; Chair, International Relations Round Table.
• Friends of the Calouste Gulbenkian Library, Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 1997-date. Secretary-Treasurer and Library Renovation Project Director, 1995-date.
• International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 1995-1998: Los Angeles Public Library delegate; member, Working Group on Literacy
• LARK Musical Society, 1994-current: Founding Member, Chorale, Publications Committee, Public Relations Director.
• Library Association of Armenia, 1994-date: Founding Life Member, Executive Council.
• University of Southern California Friends of Armenian Music, 1992-present: Member.


• 1979-date: Speaker at conferences, schools, community meetings on the following topics:
o Panelist, IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 2005 (Algarve, Portugal)
o Keynote Address, 70th Anniversary of Khnko Apor National Children’s Library of Armenia (Yerevan, 2003)
o Racism and Sexism in Textbooks
o The Role of the California Ethnic Services Task Force in serving Multicultural Library Communities
o Community-Sponsored Library Cultural Programs
o Being Armenian: An Individual Approach
o Doing It Multilingually
o Children and Ethnicity: Growing Up Armenian
o Armenian Refugee Students
o *F*L*I*Q*: A Computer-Assisted Multilingual Interlibrary Loan Program
o No Way But Up: Libraries Serving Multiethnic Communities
o Building Ethnic Collections for Libraries
o Armenian Experience: Being and Becoming Armenian
o Armenian Students: A Challenge for Educators
o Serving International Students in a Public Library
o The Role of Public Libraries in the Republic of Armenia
o Los Angeles Public Library Serving a Culturally Diverse Population;” “Save the Books
o 1998 Library Bond Measure
o Save the Books Campaign: Restoring the Los Angeles Public Library
o Armenian Cuisine: The California Experience

• 1979-98: Coordinator, Library exhibits and related cultural programs in Los Angeles and environs,
o The Armenians: People of Ararat
o Armenia: Portraits of Survival
o From Ararat to Los Angeles: The Visual Journey of Armenians to Southern California
o A Bouquet of Armenian Culture
o Armenian Folk Arts and Ancient Treasures

• 1980: Consultant, Hollywood High School, in-service training workshop for instructional staff on needs of Armenian students, community, history, and culture. Intensive English Language Instruction for Refugee Students, Los Angeles Unified School District, Office of Bilingual Education.

• 1981: Reviewer, Handbook for Armenian Bilingual Education, published by the California State Department of Education.

• 1983-96: Coordinator, library conference programs and workshops on multiculturalism and cultural diversity.1989-92: Coordinator/Consultant, H.Y.E. [Armenian] Earthquake Library Project (H.E.L.P.) Chaired meetings, prepared reports and press releases, established relationships with libraries world-wide. Visited Armenian SSR at invitation of Armenian Ministry of Culture to assess needs of libraries devastated by earthquake in December 1988.

• 1992-Date: Consultant, Papazian Library, American University of Armenia, Erevan. Instructor, Strategic Planning for Libraries, as part of the University’s Extension Program, May 1993.

• 1994-Date: Consultant/Sponsor, Library Association of Armenia; member of Executive Council.

• 1994-Date: Library Consultant, Armenian Patriarchates of Jerusalem and Istanbul. Library Project Director, Calouste Gulbenkian Library, Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

• 1998-Date: Grant Administrator: National Library of Armenia, for an IREX grant to develop a bilingual (Armenian/English) information guide to the library, with Nerses Hayrapetyan, Deputy Director.

• Research Consultant, “The Cultivation of Hatred: Total War and Genocide” segment of The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century 8-part series for Public Television, broadcast November 11-14, 1996. Also to author Gerald S. Graber on his book Crossroads to Oblivion: The Armenian Genocide of 1915, John Wiley Publications (1996).


• Recipient, John Ames Humphry/OCLC/Forest Press Award, to be presented at American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2006
• Recipient, Hagop Meghapart Medal, presented in the National Library of Armenia, Erevan, June 1993.
• Recipient, Public Library Association’s Leonard Wertheimer Multilingual Public Library Service Award, presented in Miami Beach, FL, June 1994.
• Recipient, Armenian International Women’s Association’s Woman of Achievement Award, London, England, September 1994.
• Recipient, Susan B. Anthony Award, by Hollywood Business and Professional Women, March 1995.
• Recipient, California Library Association, Public Library Section, Award for Excellence as a Public Librarian, November 1996.
• Woman of the Year, 1974, Highland Park, CA.